UGS : 411110

An exciting new service
for your existing clientele
A simple technique • User friendly unit • Instant results

A Thermocoagulation System that can be used on all skin types, men or women, to deliver

Telangiectasia occurs when minute blood capillary vessels are permanently dilated, producing tiny little red lines visible at the surface of the skin. It is a condition that develops as we age, usually appearing in the mid-40s, sometimes earlier on those with fair skin. Extreme cold weather and excessive exposure to the sun are the most recognized causes.
During treatment, the probe simply touches the skin surface, following the dilated capillary. Vascular blemishes disappear on contact.
Small capillary vessels are responsible for cell nutrition. Their impairment can affect the appearance and function of the skin. During Vasculyse 2G RF treatments, the blood into the damaged vessels is coagulated. In time, new healthy capillaries will regenerate, cell nutrition will resume, and the appearance of the skin greatly improves.
Vasculyse 2G RF thermocoagulation is a product of recent innovations in the field of electronics. It produces perfectly targeted “heat energy” resulting in a thermal lesion. Heat is generated in the capillary vessels resulting in the instant disappearance of blemishes. After treatment tiny temporary scabs may appear to regenerate treated area.
Fully computerized controls, user-friendly features, PREPROGRAMMED FUNCTIONS and simplicity all in one

Select the program:
program 1, program 2...

Start Working:
Vasculyse 2G RF will automatically choose the proper setting.

Your clients need no longer “live with” unsightly and unpleasant vascular skin conditions. They can move freely and confidently, without the self-consciousness that blemishes can bring.
Your clients will look better… and feel better about themselves.